SmartWeek - Day 6 - Вечер


Английский язык - Evening - 6.00 PM
Задание подготовил наставник группы "Английский язык" Елфимов Никита Евгеньевич

Good evening! How was your day?

Выберете и сделайте одно из предложенных заданий:

  1. Write an essay on a given topic: "What can people do during self-isolation". You can write what you or your friends/parents do, what you would like to do, have you done anything that you were planning before but you didn't have enough time.
  2. Make a PowerPoint presentation. The topic is the same.

Жду от вас интересных креативных работ!

You can send your answers until 7:30 PM

Файл с ответами прикрепляйте в комментариях под постом в нашей группе в ВК

It's the final task for today. Do your best!
